Friday, February 17, 2012

Okay I'm from Texas and I start college in Manhattan in the fall, and although it may be best, I'm not going to live on campus. I have my reasons. But anyways, I know for a fact my parents are going to send me a little money per month, somewhere between $200-$400 (more than likely closer to $200 than $400 lol). And I turned 18 a few months ago and got my bartending license and completed my classes ;) so I plan to get a job at a bar or some club, and I've heard they can make quite a bit. But I'm going to have classes most days and I don't want to work every day/all hours of the night! But I just want to know what neighborhoods AND what apartment complexes in those neighborhoods would be best for a young 18 year old female going to school. I've looked on the internet but I can't ever find anything! And I live about 1500 miles from New York so it's not very easy for me to just pick up and go apartment hunting anytime, especially because I'm a senior in High School and usually have class lol. So...Help?...Anyone?.. :)|||It all depends on how much money you can spend on rent and where your college is located. Do you want to live alone or with roommates?

I suggest you start checking out apartments for rent and shares on to get an idea on prices. This will probably limit your search tremendously. A studio aparment in Manhattan will cost at least $1400/month. You could probably find a share in Brooklyn or Queens for $600-$800/month.

You can make lots of money bartending/waitressing in NYC, but keep in mind you will be competing for jobs with all of the other college students, actors, muscians, recently laid off people, etc. out there....all who either know somebody and/or have taken bartending classes.

I went to college in Manhattan, and personally I feel that you should live on campus for the 1st year if possible. |||My friend, that is plenty of info to digest. May I suggest the links below will be very helpful.

Good luck
Native New Yorker|||I'm sorry but you're not going to find anything bigger than storage space for 200 dollars in new york. Even 400 would be too little.. It would be more realistic to look around 550 with a roommate or two or three. gosh.. you're better off living in the dorms till you are more comfortable and well versed in new york living.

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