Friday, February 3, 2012

I've searched all up and down Google till page 12 & haven't found 1 serious review. All I get are scam-like sites that just pressure the viewer into buying the product. So I was wondering if anyone on here has tried the program.& if it legit?|||Not sure if it's legit or not as I haven't tried it but from what I have heard, the diet works on "tricking" your body's metabolism. Basically, if you starve your body, it will think food is scarce and your metabolism will slow down, but if you make your body think that food is in abundance by eating nutritious mini meals at the intervals prescribed in the diet (probably 2, 3 or 4 hour intervals but I'm not sure), it stimulates your body's metabolic rate. The diet probably also suggests introducing monounsaturated fats at every meal which some believe target belly fat.

As for the abs exercises, I can only guess that they would include exercises that strengthen your core; the deep abdominal muscles (pelvic floor) that hold everything in place, rather than the frontal abdominals which are the muscles usually targeted in stomach crunches.

Then there would probably be a soul-searching section to help you get your mind in the right place. Stuff about negative self talk, finding out what really triggers your cravings, emotional eating, stress, taking time for yourself, meditation etc.

I don't think it's a scam but I still wouldn't buy it. There are other similar books out there that you can get from your local library.


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