Friday, February 3, 2012

I would like to lose some belly fat. I'm a cross-country runner so I figured I would lose fat that way. But then I saw this article from Mike Geary, the 'TruthAboutFlatAbs' guy:鈥?/a>
that said moderate-paced stuff will make your body store fat
I'd never heard of that before and I'm not planning on stopping cross-country but is what he says true or will cross-country running actually make me lose fat? I'm 5'6'' and weigh 108 lbs. I just have a bit of low belly fat that I want to get rid of and now I'm confused as to how.|||I have never heard of that but I know that cardio is key to weight loss because it burns calories and burning more calories than you put into your body is key. However, I also know that core exercise and/or weight lifting is important to do 2-3 times a week as a compliment to cardio because it burns fat which is also important, and of course muscle. Anyways, I know a lot more but that is the simple answer to your question. Feel free to email me anytime if you have further questions or misunderstand my answer.

Good luck!|||People have been losing weight doing moderate paced things for years.
This guy is just feeding people a bunch of BS.


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