Friday, February 17, 2012

Okay, so silly question time.
Do you HAVE TO taste test drinks when you get your bartending license?|||No, you don't have to taste drinks.

Most states require that restaurant servers and bartenders get an "Alcohol Server's Permit". To get the permit, you have to take a class and pass a test. The class teaches you about the laws associated with serving alcohol, how to deal with drunk customers and how to check ID's, etc. It has nothing to do with tasting drinks. I think you're getting that confused with the certificate you get when you pass bartending school (which is a waste of money in my opinion). The bartending school deals with teaching people how to make drinks.

The two are not the same or interchangeable.. You have to have the state "Alcohol Server's Permit" in order to work in a bar or restaurant. The bartending school certificate is optional.|||No. But you should try them anyway. Every little helps.|||no|||I have no knowledge of the US bartending licence, but I would assume no.

However, I would seriously reccomend against becoming a bartender if you don't enjoy and appreciate alocoholic beverages... you can't be good at and enjoy something you're not passionate about.

Good luck.|||No just know how to make them....|||No, but its important to know what your selling. How are you gonna suggest drinks to indecisive people with out knowing how they taste? If you don't know how your drinks taste you will be a bad bartender plain and simple.


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