Friday, February 3, 2012

i can't buy it; and I am in great need of loosing belly fat.|||Hi there

I can't help you with his exercises but I have some here you should try. they are great for getting toned and defined abs and busting away the fat that sits on the belly. I also recommend that you do 30 mins of cardio exercises 4 times a week. Try running and skipping and rowing machine (if you go to the gym) for the most effective fat burning. You'll achieve your goal quicker if you do both exercise and cardio.

Good luck鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>|||I've been using the truth about abs program, and it's been working
great. my abs are getting more defined each week. it actually uses
unusual exercises like front squats, military rows, overhead squats,
mountain climbers, and a bunch of others to work your abs harder from
different angles and lose fat quicker...

whatever you do, don't waste your time with crunches and
situps...there's much better stuff out there. good luck!

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