Friday, February 17, 2012

Please Help me out before Monday.|||Some of the tickets in the nosebleed seats are $30 while some are $55. The 100-, 200-, and 300-levels are either $95 or $250 depending on the location of the seat. General admission (standing) is $55. You can go to to see the prices and the layout of the stadium. Have fun if you get tickets!|||They cost way too much. Rent a movie, get a pizza and have a much better, and less costly time. Plus it'll be better for your hearing.|||While my family did not purchase tickets for the U2 360 tour located in Chicago we purchased them in boston. For floor seats it costs $250 each. I hope this helps a little!|||Tickets starts at $42. You can go directly to Stub DB. No presale password needed. Great seats available too.


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