Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm thinking about buying this ebook by Mike Geary. However, I can't find any real reviews on it. all the ones I've read so far read like his sales page so I think he wrote them all.

Has anyone actually read this ebook and was it any good?|||One of the best books I have ever read!

No it's not a scam at all, this eBook is one of my favourites along with 'The Truth about Building Muscle' by Sean Nalewanyj.

I've read it twice and love it! If you follow what Geary says in the book then you really will get ripped. Actually this book led me to see my abs for the very first time.|||You don't need to read someone's book to tell you how to get 6 pack abs. Without knowing the book specifically it's probably a scam. If you want 6 pack abs be prepared to work for it:
5 small meals a day
Limit anything white (no sugar, no white bread etc)
Eat lean protein - fish chicken
Lots of vegetables, some fruits
Drink plenty of water
Avoid fruit juice, drink skim milk
Do sit ups, bicycle sit ups etc, swimming, skiing
Run regularly and do moderate light weight lifting
Get enough sleep and avoid stress
Do not drink or smoke.
Take vitamins
Inherit good genes

Essentially if you want to look like a 16 year old athlete you sort of have to live like one. Be active.


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