Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm having a private family and close friends party (100 people) and will be serving beer and wine at a venue in the catskills NY. This venue requires liquor liability insurance. I found one on the web but got denied because the insurance folks require a bartender with a license to serve or a license caterer. I've looked everywhere on the web and all I found is a TPA permit for temp serving of beer and wine AND bartenders with certificates from bar tending schools.

Who am l looking for? A friend who can open bottles and pour with a TPA permit? or a bartender with a certificate?

I'm avoiding the catering route because we're not serving hot food and it would likely be too expensive anyways.

Any help would be great. Thanks.|||they're probably mean a temporary on-premises license from the ABC board. i bar tended for years in NY and never required a license. The ABC board is pain to deal with. i would just go ahead and do it without the license and hire drivers to bring people home if that is what your worried about. much easier and cheaper.

ABC is Alcoholic Beverage Control


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