Monday, February 6, 2012

I want to bartend while I study abroad in London and I was planning on taking a class at the San Francisco School of Bartending.|||In the UK we do not have bartending licenses , as long as you can do the work ok and get on with the customers . There are job's going all the time behind the bar so you will have plenty of choice . Obviously when you go for your interview stretch your experience a bit . The most difficult part of the interview process is usually when they ask you to start straight away .|||having worked in bars and also spent time on the otherside of them, trust me when i say this

you really don't need any specalist qulifications in London.

the best thing you can do is apply for a postion and when asked tell them you have working in loads of bars in the states|||you don't need a 'license' to be a barman. you just need experience and not to be an idiot.

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