Saturday, March 3, 2012

I think I understand but I thought I'd ask here. (I am not overweight but it's good to try to eat healthy and cut out junk etc.) I did 20min. on a treadmill and burned 100 calories (1 pack of 100 calorie Doritos!) So I jumped on the internet to research restauraunt food. Take Breadsticks from Pizza hut it says 150 calories so are items such as that,pizza,chips etc. per piece/slice? If so then a 5 pack of Breadsticks means 5X150=750 Calories so you just ate 750 calories correct? (Most restaurant guides say serves X grams. Half a Pzone is a serving so a whole Pzone is 1,260 Calories!!! IT TOOK 20MIN. to burn 100 CALORIES!!!!! Thanks for your help. :-)|||do realize that you burn calories doing average things such as eating, sleeping, walking, and driving. And if you resort to lower calorie foods, it would take less time to burn them off.

Lauren <3


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