Saturday, March 3, 2012

I'm just curious how Prolific searches are for restaurants on the internet. When you want to find a new spot because you are bored of your usual Favorites, do you Research the Internet to find a new place to dine and if so what restaurant guides do you use or do you just randomly search? Also, which Restaurant Guide, if any, do you think is the best and why?|||LA Weekly is a good place to or the paper itself.

Zagat guide. ||| I base my research on word of mouth. If one of my friends has tried a new restaurant and like it they will tell me about with rave reviews. Now they have tried a NEW restaurant and did not like they will tell me to stay away. Second thing read the newspaper food critic reviews of the place and if you like what you read then go check it out.|||I normally go by what I see as a good review in the local daily newspaper and weekly entertainment papres which both give a new review every week and give a synopsis of the 10 best they have reviewed recently.

I have a favorite Thai restaurant and never get bored of that one because of friendly family atmosphere and good value.

Other source: word of mouth from friends and co-workers.

Our city has an Internet website from the local Health Board which gives the results of recent inspection visits. Normally health issues not a problem in our restaurants but I check it out if I drive by a restaurant that looks interesting and haven't heard about it.

I mainly look for family style, inexpensive eateries that give good value for the money - these are not usually found on internet Restaurant Guides.

EDMONTON, Canada|||Try this web site i promise you it will have everything you|||This is a great way to find a good restaurant and spend less money too.
Type in the zip code, pick a restaurant, and save. You can refine your search by distance, type of cuisine, or atmosphere. Enjoy.||| is the way to go. 100%|||Look in the phone book. I have found some new yummy places to eat before in my town I live in by using the phonebook :)|||you will love this, go to I use that site before I go to any restaurant. enjoy!|||Most of the guides are subjective and value things I couldn't care less about. What I do is that I will take different routes to destinations, like home or work. If I see a restaurant that is quite busy, I will make a note of it and visit it in the near future. Of course the reasoning is that if enough people like it, there has got to be a reason.


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